
Bleeding During Pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy is scary. If you experience any kind of bleeding during pregnancy – get it checked out!

It is always worrying and you could read pages and pages of advice on the internet. Most often you stumble across stories and information and will have all sorts of thoughts and scenarios playing in your head.

You should always get your doctor to check! Only then can you be really sure what is happening.

Bleeding during pregnancy

In later stages of pregnancy, you could be having problems with your placenta which are a high risk both to mother and baby.

In some cases, women don’t even realise they are pregnant due to bleeding! This happened to me when implantation bleeding happened at the same time as my monthly period was due. Implantation bleeding can cause light spotting or bleeding. Normally it lasts only a few days, whilst the egg is attaching itself to the lining of the womb.

Some women experience regular bleeding throughout pregnancy, called desidual bleeding.

In my case, I had light bleeding, which I first mistook for my period. After the light bleeding continued for over 5 days, I realised something was up and decided to take a pregnancy test. It was positive. Which was a big shock because I had a coil! When I visited my gynaecologist he confirmed that I was 8 weeks pregnant…and there was no sign of my coil! But that’s another story.

Bleeding can also be a sign of problems and possibly miscarriage. Four of my five miscarriages started with bleeding. One of them in particular with sudden and fast bleeding.

I visited my doctor straightaway after I experienced any bleeding. Firstly it is important to find out what is causing the bleeding. Secondly, bleeding could be dangerous for either mother and/or baby and needs to be checked by a professional immediately.