So sorry you are struggling
Feeling lost and disconnected as a new mother?
Your struggles through labour, birth and early days as a new mother may have come as a shock to you and you are feeling disconnected with yourself and your new baby. Discover healing techniques to support you in releasing your trauma, resolving blockages and restoring your self worth and confidence so that you can step forward feeling empowered as a new mother
Womb Healing for Postpartum
Are you struggling after an intense and traumatic birth experience? Do you find yourself engulfed in waves of anger and sadness when you think back over it? Are you feeling lost and disconnected with yourself and your new baby?
Many women go through a period of “baby blues” shortly after giving birth as hormone levels change. Womb healing is a wonderful energy healing technique which works to resolve trauma and restore your feminine energy after your intense experience of giving birth. Womb healing after birth is practised in many traditional cultures and has unfortunately been forgotten about in western society.
My clients experience a hugely healing transformation, allowing them to release trauma, reclaim lost energy and restore their feelings of wholeness and self-identity so that they feel empowered as a new mother

I love supporting your transformation into empowered motherhood
You really matter and I love guiding you to heal your struggles because you deserve to feel confident and empowered

Further resources:

Shamanic Womb Healing
Shamanic Womb Healing is an all-natural, long-forgotten, and the most effective healing technique for a woman’s reproductive and mental health. It is an ancient shamanic

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When you’re looking to get pregnant, then there are plenty of practical considerations to have in mind, such as making sure you have space at

Collecting Samples for Pregnancy and Mothers
There are so many helpful samples and vouchers that are available to you. Especially great for during pregnancy and for new mothers; every little extra