Painful Going to the Toilet After Childbirth?
Suffering from hemorrhoids after giving birth? How many women go through this misery in silence?
You can avoid hemorrhoids after giving birth. I believe all pregnant women need to be informed about how avoiding hemorrhoids after childbirth is possible with the right home treatments and postpartum care.
Follow my information below. Share with all of your pregnant friends!

How Many Women Suffer from Hemorrhoids Postpartum and:
- Don’t know what they are?
- Don’t want to talk about it because they are embarrassed?
- Don’t know how to treat them properly?
- It contributes to postpartum depression?
- It causes mood swings
What are Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins, similar to varicose veins but in the rectal area. Hemorrhoids can be internal and external.
How do I know if I Have Hemorrhoids?
- If you feel pain or swelling in your rectal area.
- If you can feel swollen veins externally around your rectal area.
- If you notice rectal bleeding.
- If going to the toilet starts to hurt. The pain can be excruciating, like passing cut glass.
- If after going to the toilet your rectal area is painful.
My TOP Treatments for Relieving Hemorrhoids after Giving Birth:
Caring for yourself during the weeks after delivery is just as important as caring for your newborn. Your body needs healing time after labor and delivery.
It is so important to get your muscles trained straight after giving birth.
- Have you heard of Kegel exercises?
- As soon as you can after giving birth, practice squeezing your anal muscles together and holding them for as long as you can…at first, espeically after a vaginal birth, you can hardly feel your muscles or even be able to hold your muscles tight for one second.
- Keep on and on, practice at least once an hour. More if you can…within a day you will be able to hold your muscles for a second or two.
- It is important to keep up with this basic muscle toning directly postpartum, until you are advised that you can start more intensive sport activities again. It will save you the pain whilst going to the toilet later.
- Once you are physically fit after the birth (this may take some weeks), start a more intense pelvic-floor muscle strengthening routine.

High Fibre Diet
- A high fiber diet helps to prevent constipation; over straining from constipation can cause postpartum hemorrhoids
- You can take fiber supplements to prevent constipation.
- Add plenty high fiber foods to your diet. I advise all of my friends to pack dried prunes and figs in their hospital bags, they are perfect natural stool softeners.
- Great high fiber food to prevent constipation are: psyllium husks (mix them into your breakfast cereal), dried prunes, figs, raisins, broccoli, brusselsprouts, beans, lentils, apples and bananas.
Drinking Plenty of Fluids
- Another natural stool softener and a great way to prevent constipation is by drinking plenty of water.
- Be sure to wear good sized sanitary pads in case you don’t make it to the toilet in time; it is common to have weak bladder muscles after birth.
Squatting Position Whilst on the Toilet
- One of the best methods for hemorrhoids treatment I found was to go to the toilet the traditional “french way”, which means standing or squatting instead of sitting down.
- Let gravity do its work instead of sitting on the toilet and putting extra pressure in the wrong places and can hinder the healing process (by causing more swollen veins and rectal bleeding).
- Squatting allows the anal muscles to relax. You can put your feet up on a foot stool, or you can purchase a squatty potty so you can always take it with you.
Hemorrhoid Creams, Cold Packs, Sitz Baths, Witch Hazel
- Hemorrhoid creams are good for reducing any itchiness, however, I found that they only soothed and did not reduce the size of my swollen veins.
- Using a cold pack or ice pack on your rectal area is great for reducing swollen veins.
- Taking a sitz bath is often recommended, however, it is important to avoid warm water. Warm water agitates swollen veins because warmth causes more blood to circulate to the area.
- Using witch hazel on a sanitary pad helps to cool and reduce itchiness.
- Wet wiping. Using moistened wipes to be gentle on your anal area.
Visitor Restrictions
- During the days after delivery, you and your body are going through a healing process.
- Being strict (but kind) with visitor restrictions due to your own postpartum care is important. You need time to rest and keep good postpartum health.
Watch My Video For Tips for Relieving Hemorrhoids After Giving Birth
Will Postpartum Hemorrhoids Go Away?
I suffered from postpartum hemorrhoids for six months after my first born, until I found good home remedies and treatments for hemorrhoids. No doctor or midwife had been able to advise me.
I was determined to avoid them with my second.
I completely avoided hemorrhoids with my second. The first days after delivery and using the home remedies I listed, are crucial. Training my muscles immediately after giving birth, squatting to go to the toilet, drinking plenty of fluids and eating high fiber foods worked for me. These are all home remedies which every women can follow. Please share them with all of your pregnant friends.
Always call your doctor is you experience any severe pain or your rectal bleeding is more than just a few drops of bright red blood. Always be sure by contacting a medical professional.