My Mission:
Based on my personal experience with healing my fertility struggles of recurrent miscarriage and unexplained infertility, I have made it my mission to support women to heal the blockages in their reproductive system with womb healing.
I am incredibly intuitive and channel energies. Through my seven pregnancies I learnt so much about my body, especially the power of our inner feminine, our womb energy.
Over the past 20 years I have studied and practiced energy healing techniques, shaping them specifically into supporting women with fertility struggles to reconnect with their powerful womb energy, guiding them to rediscover their incredible inner feminine creativity and reviving their fertile flow.
Hi, I’m Vicki, a mother of two boys and five angels. I’m British and live in South West Germany.

My Vision
Guiding women with fertility struggles to release blockages, heal the fear and suffering in their womb so that they fully connect with their natural feminine flow, liberate themselves and become their most fertile self
Oh My Mama Body
The brand name ‘Oh My Mama Body’ is itself a bold gesture of humility, humour and transparency which is reflected in the visual language of the branding.
A true celebration of motherhood, the rounded, changing shapes are a powerful recognition of the transformational journey a woman’s body goes through during fertility, pregnancy and postpartum.

The design of the logo is intended as an empowering icon that clearly and confidently emanates the inner strength, beauty and truth of motherhood.
It reassures you that with Oh My Mama Body you will always be supported, understood and encouraged to know that you matter. You are important and at Oh My Mama Body you are fully recognised and valued.
Find out more about Vicki
Incredibly empathetic and intuitive from a young age, I stepped into the world of healing in my early twenties. Since then I have studied and certified my practices so that I can fully support my clients with profound experience and knowledge:
- My first healing qualification was with the National Federation of Spiritual Healers (NFSH) in the UK in 2006. I volunteered at one of the Healing Trust drop in centres, giving energetic healing with the hands to those who came in.
- As my healing abilities grew, I studied works by Wayne Dyer, Brandon Bays, Abraham Hicks and Louise Hay.
- In 2009 I began my studies with CC Treadway of The Lightschool Arts, following the line of Barbara Brennan School of Healing where I furthered my knowledge and experience with energetic healing with the hands and progressed into channeling and shamanic studies.
- In 2012 I studied and certified in Theta Healing, a technique which compliments and strengthens healing work.
- In 2015 I started learning the healing techniques of Shamanism and graduated in 2017. I love the earthiness of Shamanism and its deep roots in traditional cultures and being in tune with our mother earth.
- 2019 I qualified as a Laughter Yoga Teacher, a wonderful practice to bring a smile and spread happiness
- 2020 ongoing mentorship started around Herbal Medicine and Essential Oils under the guidance of Marianne Just-Meyer (Midwife and graduate of Susun Weed)
- In 2021 I officially graduated as a Womb Healer with The Lightschool of Arts
- 2021 – I became a certified as a Master Healer with The Lightschool of Arts, following over 10 years of deepening my Shamanic studies this also certified to teach healer training courses
- 2022 – adding Breathwork and Embodiment techniques to my healing programs, coached by The WakeUp Company
- 2023 – Graduated as a Breathwork Coach with Peakwolf

Where Did Oh My Mama Body Start?
From personal experience, I believe that women need to be more in tune with their body during their fertility, pregnancy and postpartum journeys
- The focus of most birth preparation (ante-natal) courses is mainly on how to deal with your newborn with little said about coping with bodily symptoms and baby blues.
- In the case of miscarriage, women are expected to simply carry on with little time for processing their grief, which I believe is absolutely essential to help women to feel whole again.
But what about Mama?
This website is all about women and what happens to our bodies, our emotions and feelings during and after pregnancy and miscarriage.
Based on my personal experiences I made it my mission to help others. I kept a journal of my experiences, conducted research and learnt how to put it all together online to make it easily available for other women.
The intention of Oh My Mama Body is to create a space where women can freely research and find the answers they are looking for. A space of healing and empathy. As a qualified healer, I understand women (and men) at a deep level and guide them with techniques to feeling whole, energised and confident in life.

More About Vicki
- The Story Behind Oh My Mama Body (the story about my personal experiences which led me to create this website)
- The Story Behind and My Journey (how I learn to build my website and business and am now helping others to do the same)