Start Womb Healing

Struggling to conceive or facing blockages such as ovarian cysts? I have transformed my life, healing from cysts and fertility struggles to becoming a mother of two.

NOW it’s YOUR time for life-changing shifts 

womb healing pregnancy

Book a Session Womb Healing

Struggling to get pregnant or facing physical blockages such as ovarian cysts? 

Ready to experience the power of Womb Healing and would like to book in a one hour Session with Vicki? Click the button below to start.

Sessions take place via remote healing, online (from the comfort of your own home)

Click below:

Womb Sanctuary Your Healing Home

Womb Healing Sessions Online

My Womb Sanctuary is your home for life-changing healing. I am so excited to invite you to come and experience transformation as you shift and release blockages for good.

  • Are ready to fully embrace activating your womb energy and put yourself into huge momentum
  • Want to break through blockages and celebrate your womb pulsating with life
  • Never want to feel overwhelmed with anxiety again
  • Are ready to ditch the constant tracking and putting pressure on having s3x and want to bring the love and fun back into their s3x life 
  • Are ready to feel a ton of confidence flowing with the knowing that you are pregnant (or have finally cleared those cysts!)

You can make this happen and I’m guiding you with everything you need to know to heal your womb. 


Guided Self Womb Healing Mini Course

Learn my Powerful Technique

Womb Healing Mini Course

Learn How to Acess What Doctors Don’t See With my Guided Self Womb Healing Mini Course

  • Understand that your womb holds energies and how these are blocking you
  • Reclaim your fertility by accessing and releasing heavy energies stored at cellular level in your womb
  • Feel confident that you are connecting with your womb properly
  • Optimize the communication flow with your womb so that you truly understand the energies behind your blockages.
  • Determine what is throwing your reproductive system completely out of balance and start healing 

My Latest Books

I understand you, your healing truly matters, my books support and guide you on your beautiful womb healing journey

12 weeks since they found a septated cyst on my ovary. I did some of your womb healing during my holiday and I've done a lot this week. Ultrasound today shows no cyst! Amazing!

Charlotte UK

We are truly excited and I just want to say thank you because honestly the womb healing we did that day...I got pregnant not even a month later after 2 years of trying with just one tube

Jade USA

Due to my work with Vicki , a miracle happened - I came out of surgery with both of my ovaries and my womb. Due to the sheer size of the ovarian cyst, I was told in the worst case scenario, both ovaries and a hysterectomy could be necessary. The consultant could not believe that it had been possible to save my womb (she doesn't know about the power of Vicki's womb healing)

Freya UK