Why Do We Crave Certain Foods During Pregnancy?
Have your food tastes changed since being pregnant? Are you getting cravings for certain foods or tastes? Not all women get cravings, so don’t think that something is wrong if you are not! During the first trimester you may not feel much like eating anything at all – see Morning Sickness.
Pregnancy cravings could vary depending on where you live in the world and what foods are available. Cravings will also no doubt change as you progress through your pregnancy.
We all hear about pickles and ice-cream. I never craved that! I craved lemons with my first and didn’t have any cravings with my second.
In fact I was surprised how many aversions I suddenly had – like chocolate. I was really surprised that I could not eat chocolate until the 3rd trimester (and then I wanted lots again). I instinctively did not want to eat it and if I did I would feel sick.
![Pregnancy Cravings](https://ohmymamabody.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Pregnancy-Cravings.jpg)
Research on cravings shows that women tend to crave more sour and salty tastes, which could explain those cravings for pickles.
Why Do Pregnant Women Get Cravings?
- Upon researching this question I was unable to find a medical explanation for cravings
- Perhaps they are due to the massive influx of hormones during the first trimester, playing havoc with your appetite and nutritional needs
- Perhaps it is simply psychological?
- Perhaps cravings are an indication of something the body needs?
Do Pregnancy Cravings Indicate a Lack in Nutrients?
Research on cravings shows that women tend to crave more sour and salty tastes, which could explain those cravings for pickles.
Do cravings indicate what your body is lacking? It is not proven although it could be related to lack of nutrients. At one point I really craved spinach My next blood tests showed I was low in iron. A craving for salty products could be explained by your increased blood volume and therefore a need for more sodium
It could be possible to have cravings for dirt, wax, clay, laundry starch or ice. Definitely talk to your doctor about it. Don’t be embarrassed as it’s not uncommon and most likely is a sign of a nutrient deficiency.
- Listen to your body’s needs.
- Eat a balanced diet when you can, but don’t worry and don’t feel bad if you just need to eat unhealthy foods for a short period. Most important is that mama gets what she needs. You can always make up for it and eat healthily again a few days later.
- Ensure you take good vitamin and nutrient supplements to support your body’s needs.