Belly Button

Belly Button Pain or Itchy or Sore?

Are you experiencing belly button pain during pregnancy? Or perhaps your belly button is mildly sore or itchy?

During my pregnancies, my belly button went from being itchy to feeling sore. Sometimes off and on I experienced jabbing pains, especially if I was bending down to reach something.

I had to be really careful not to bump into things with my belly button as that would hurt the most.

Upon researching it, I found that belly button pain and itchiness is common in pregnancy. Many women post questions around belly button pain during pregnancy, thinking “is it just me?”

It is not surprising that pregnant women experience some kind of soreness of pain in the naval area, as it is where our bodies are growing the most during pregnancy.

Belly Button Pain Pregnancy

Is it Normal for your Belly Button to Hurt During Pregnancy?

Upon researching it, I found that belly button pain and itchiness is common in pregnancy. Many women post questions around belly button pain during pregnancy, thinking “is it just me?”

It is not surprising that pregnant women experience some kind of soreness of pain in the naval area, as it is where our bodies are growing the most during pregnancy.

Why do Pregnant Women Experience Belly Button Pain or Itchiness?

  • Itchy skin can be explained by the stretching of your skin as your stomach grows. The skin in the navel area is extra sensitive because it gets stretched the most as your uterus and baby grow during pregnancy.
  • Extra stretching of the skin around the belly button during pregnancy may cause the skin in this area to become dry, itchy and sore.
  • Baby putting pressure against the uterus causes the pain to radiate out towards the belly button.
  • In later stages of pregnancy, the uterus has grown so high that it reaches the belly button and this may also cause extra pressure around the naval area.
  • A protruding or „popped out“ belly button may get irritated often. It is quite easy to knock or rub against objects with your belly button as your belly grows, due to changes in your centre of balance (see clumsiness).

If belly button pain gets severe, ensure you get it checked out by your doctor. In some cases you could be experiencing an umbilical hernia or an intestinal infection.

Recommendations to Ease Belly Button Pain or Itchiness During Pregnancy

  • Wear a belly band to keep your navel area covered. Keeping your belly button cosy and protected during pregnancy also halps you to feel good.
  • Make sure clothes either completely cover and go well over the top of your belly button, or that they sit well below your belly button. This prevents unwanted rubbing on already very sensitive areas.
  • Clothes should be snug but not tight or rubbing. Keep your navel area warm and snug in colder weather or wear looser fitting clothing in warmer weather.
  • Moisturise or oil your navel area well. Some women prefer to use creams instead of oils because cream soaks into the skin quicker than oil.
  • Use quality products as all products soak into your skin and blood stream. Get your free video series with Midwife Marianne where she teaches you about using quality essential oils during pregnancy, birth and beyond. 
  • Organise your free call with Oh My Mama Body Midwife Marianne, for great advice and support for your sore belly button.
  • Ensure you moisturise on a daily basis, try to moisturise at least twice daily to keep your skin supple and to prevent it from drying out and getting itchy.