Do You Feel Like You Have the Urge to Start Nesting?
Have you felt the urge to start nesting? You may find yourself cleaning the house from top to bottom and sorting out cupboards and drawers. I remember I was quite happy assembling furniture and painting walls in the weeks before the birth of my first son.
With my second son, I was cleaning the windows and baking enough for a family of 10. I had enough meals prepared in the freezer for weeks to come.
I recall a good friend of mine saying she just sat and cried for days because her house was still a building site. She realised it was because she wasn’t able to start nesting like she wanted to. Once she realised this, her husband and her decided to dedicate half of a room (it was a big, open room) in their flat to being the baby area. They added a comfy chair, some baby decor, a changing table and a cot. This helped my friend to feel more settled and calm.
Part of nesting will be packing your bag for hospital (unless you decide for a home birth). Some women feel the urge to pack a bag ready for the birth two to three months before their due date. It brings a state of calm to know that everything has been thought about and prepared.

What Causes the Nesting Instinct?

- Like a cat preparing for her kittens, most mothers also feel the inner urge to prepare their surroundings in advance of the arrival of the baby. My cat was prowling around the house with a sense of urgency in the week leading up to her having her kittens. She slept in the comfy corner she found for herself every evening thereafter and gave birth there as well.
- Nesting is an instinct which is also found in nature. It often kicks in during the third trimester as the birth looms near.
- Nesting can make you feel restless until you are happy and comfortable with your surroundings.
Recommendations for Nesting During Pregnancy
- Notice how you are feeling and recognise it is due to your nesting instinct.
- Try not to overdo it. If you have too many ideas and feel overwhelmed then make a list and tick each step off one at a time.
- Ask others to help you if it’s something too strenuous for you. Do not move heavy objects like furniture around on your own. You could overstrain yourself and cause stress for your baby.